Dear Friends,

 We hope that you are safe and well!

 Today's Meditation features Matthew Fox talking about the vibrancy of creation giving birth every day, everything that is alive is related; reminding us that "a microscopic part of us all is three and a half billion years old." Meister Eckhart asking what does God do all day: God is on a maternity bed all day giving birth. How awesome life is!

We invite you to join us as we commit ourselves to working tirelessly to end systemic and structural racism in our society, in healthcare, in the workplace, in the Church--wherever it shows up so that everyone may come to have more abundant life. May this meditation nourish our contemplative-active hearts and sustain all of us in action.

In the spirit of our philosophy of co-creating community and our awareness that the Spirit speaks through each of us, we invite you to share your meditations with us as well. We truly believe that in God’s economy of abundance, when we share our blessings, our thoughts, our feelings, we are all made richer.

We hope and pray that you and your loved ones experience genuine peace of mind and heart, and remain in good health during this challenging time.

As Summer unfolds, may you find peace, healing, hope, and the infusion of joy in your life!

With our love and care,

Ron & Jean

The Creation Spirituality Lineage Calling All Social and Environmental Activists, Mystic Explorers, Justice Makers, Cosmic Thinkers, Earth Keepers

Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox

Marvels of Creation as Recounted in

Today’s Science

July 16, 2021

Today’s science is rediscovering the immensity of the awe and wonder built into the cosmos. David Brower, for example, marvels at the wildness within all human beings–how our eyes operate with 120 million rods and cones that allow us to see Creation as well as pages of a book in 3-D. The human ear appears almost too complicated to work and the human body carries out 100,000 different chemical reactions—all without our having to think about it.

As for our immune system–"You’re especially impressed if you’ve been kept more or less intact for eighty-two years," he comments.

But we are ridding the earth of its many miracles of wildness when we destroy species, many of which hold real medicines for our ills.

"The Invisible Universe Of The Human Microbiome." An exploration of the ecosystems of non-human cells that govern the health and functioning of the human body. Video by NPR.

The miracle of our existence did not come about from civilization. It came from wildness itself since that is all there was. Says Brower:

We need to tire of trashing wilderness. It’s not making us happy. It’s not making us healthy. It is making us miserable and despairing. Killing trees, habitat, and animals, and separating ourselves from nature is making us all a bit crazy. We need to restore the earth because we need to save the wild. We need to save the wild in order to save ourselves.

George Monbiot explains how the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park after nearly 70 years’ absence brought about a cascading regeneration of the ecosystem. Video from Sustainable Human.

He compares our destroying the earth with the act of burning books. The earth contains our history, our knowledge and wisdom.

Why harm it so? We are inheritors in our genetic code of a long and beautiful history.

We all possess a little fragment of the first bit of life on earth. Consequently, everything that’s alive is related—and a microscopic part of us all is three and a half billion years old.

Intrinsic to Creation is creativity. Creativity and Creation go together. Only recently has science learned how thoroughly occupied the universe is in giving birth—a star is born every fifteen seconds!

Meister Eckhart asks: "What does God do all day long? God lies on a maternity bed giving birth." The universe is biased in favor of birthing and generativity.

Cosmologist Brian Swimme writes about this bias as a seething:

"Certain aspects of quantum mechanics… predict that spacetime would…have a foamy, jittery nature and would consist of many small, ever-changing, regions for which space and time are no longer definite, but fluctuate." NASA Telescopes Set Limits On Spacetime Quantum "Foam." Illustration: CXC/M. Weiss

Even where there are no atoms, and no elementary particles, and no protons, and no photons, suddenly elementary particles will emerge….The base of the universe seethes with creativity, so much so that physicists refer to the universe’s ground state as ‘space-time foam.’

The Sun and its planets (sizes to scale, but not positions). Wikimedia Commons.

Swimme urges us to meditate on the vast creativity of the universe revealed in how the sun is whipping the earth and all the other planets through their annual arcs.

Awaken to the fact of the Sun’s gravitational power. The earth is one immense planet [though only one millionth the size of the sun] and it is being whipped around the Sun by the power of the Sun. This is something the Sun is doing in every instant of every day. We are held by the Sun. If the Sun released us from our bond with it, we would sail off into deep space.