Dear Friends,

 We hope that you are safe and well!

 In our Meditation today, Fr. Austin Fleming shares the image of Jesus appearing to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque manifesting the light and love of his heart embracing all people.

We invite you to join us as we commit ourselves to working tirelessly to end systemic and structural racism in our society, in healthcare, in the workplace, in the Church--wherever it shows up so that everyone may come to have more abundant life. May this meditation nourish our contemplative-active hearts and sustain all of us in action.

In the spirit of our philosophy of co-creating community and our awareness that the Spirit speaks through each of us, we invite you to share your meditations with us as well. We truly believe that in God’s economy of abundance, when we share our blessings, our thoughts, our feelings, we are all made richer.

We hope and pray that you and your loved ones experience genuine peace of mind and heart, and remain in good health during this challenging time.

As Summer unfolds, may you find peace, healing, hope, and the infusion of joy in your life!

With our love and care,

Ron & Jean

MEDITATION 394: The Heart of Jesus, Womb of justice, Birthplace of peace, Enflamer of hearts, Freely flowing fountain, Spring of Grace

Friday is, traditionally, a day to honor the Heart of Jesus. The First Friday of every month is a particular day to honor the Heart of Jesus. The month of June is observed as a special month to honor the Heart of Jesus and this year, the annual feast of the Sacred Heart fell this year on Friday, June 11. So, each Friday in June, our Night Prayer will begin with a reflection on a particular image of the Heart of Jesus, followed by Wendy Wright's Litany of the Sacred Heart. (*What's A Litany?) and ending (below) with a song...

(This painting depicts the apparition of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary and is found in the Apse of Visitation Chapel in Paray-le-Monial in France. The second image is a detail from the first.)

We might mistake your arms, Lord,

for the wood of your Cross

- but there's no mistaking this:

here we meet you risen, shining, bright,

alive in all your glory...

Your face looks down on us

with the purest mercy in your eyes,

longing to lift us up, to embrace us

with your healing, saving love...

Risen? Yes!

And yet your blood runs red-fresh from your side

and your holy heart glows,

not with fire and flame

but with the sun's white hot heat, burning

but never consuming

those who know its warmth...

You're the center of all life, Lord,

you're the light of the world

and without your warmth

our common home would perish

in cold oblivion

and we along with it

- but we are saved, we are redeemed, we are healed,

we are warmed by the light of your holy heart

opened for us on the Cross of your love...

Christ, be our light,

be the heart that beats in our hearts,

be the heat that saves us from the cold,

the love that warms us

in your arms...

Litany of the Sacred Heart

* A prayer form, addressed to the Lord, the Blessed Virgin or one of the Saints, consisting of a number of "titles" or attributes of the one addressed in prayer, with a recurring refrain...

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

So loving

So humble

So gentle

So compassionate

So faithful

So wise

So patient

So steadfast

So tender

So spacious

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

God’s joy

God’s shalom

Harp of the Trinity

Wingbeat of the Spirit

Breath of God

Five-petaled rose

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Womb of justice

Birthplace of peace

Our dearest hope

Longing of our lives

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Freely flowing fountain

Spring of grace

Freshet of forgiveness

Merciful river

Mystical dew

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Warmth of our hearts

Transforming fire

Cosmic furnace

Enflamer of hearts

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Heart of evolution

Beginning and ending

Center of all

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Garden of virtues

Mystical dew

Table and food

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Our refuge

Our shelter

Our comfort

Our rest

Our welcoming breast

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Wounded by love

Pierced by our cruelty

Broken by our hardness

Mystic winepress

Poured out as gift

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Have mercy, gracious heart,

Give us gratefulness

Teach us tenderness

Let us learn to love.

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

- Wendy Wright

Protect us, Lord, and keep us safe

in the depths of your holy heart:

be our strength while we're awake

and watch over us while we sleep

that awake our hearts beat one with yours

and asleep find peace til the morning dawns...
