Dear Friends, 

Have you ever felt misunderstood?  Undervalued?

The book we have been reading for Lent, The Passion and the Cross by Ronald Rolheiser, gave me a whole new way of thinking of Jesus’ last week. He calls it

Dear Friends, 

This week we rise with Lazarus. Are you risen? God did not mean that we should rise from the dead only after we are buried. Rather God meant

Dear friends,

Despite the chaos swirling through our country, and the myriad of difficult emotions swirling within our hearts….we notice this week that with the celebration of Valentine’s Day that despite our burdened hearts: “Love is in the air!” 

Dear Friends,

This Sunday, we hear the Gospel story of the Woman at the Well, the Samaritan Woman. She ultimately asks Jesus for the Living Water he has promised. This prompts us to reflect on water. Last week I shared with you, my reflection on

Dear friends,

Becasue of the weather we have decided to cancel liturgy for this Sunday in Weston.

However, as in the past we will be offering a Free Conference Call Liturgy of the Word!

Please join us at 4:00 PM. The instructions are in this weeks letter, or you can send us email and we'll send them to you.