Dear Friends,

Our Easter Vigil Service was quite a celebration! Our liturgy began with our procession with the Easter Light and moved to Stan’s gloriously singing a modern version of the Exsultet (the longest extant Christian hymn we have). Our readings were from prophets both old and new, including an inspirational reading, “Resurrection,” from the work of Mary Rice, a member of The Spirit of Life Community who died this past year.

Dear Friends,

As we begin our journey into Holy Week with our Palm Sunday procession, recalling Jesus' triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, we wrestle with the image of Jesus as "King." It is our practice often to delete from our liturgical prayer imperial language which conjures up images of the Roman Empire.

Dear Friends,

Today we celebrate our fifth anniversary as a community—can you believe it? After Jean's Mass of Thanksgiving on Nov. 19, 2006 when people asked "what next?" we sent out a message far and wide inviting all who were so moved to co-create a community with us and The Spirit of Life: A Catholic Community of Justice and Joy was born.

Please note: CHANGE OF TIME: Our liturgy will return to 5:00PM on April 15th, the Sunday after Easter!

Dear Friends,

Many have asked "when will you be returning to the 5:00PM time

Dear Friends,

As I read the first reading (Genesis 22) from this Sunday's liturgy....the story of Abraham about to sacrifice first thought was: "Where's his mother? Where's Sarah?"