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A Day of Reflection with Michael Morwood
Saturday, October 20, 2012, 10:00am - 04:00pm

A special invitation: A Day of Reflection with Michael Morwood

God, Jesus and Prayer in a New Story of the Universe

Much of Christian doctrine is based on a pre-scientific worldview, yet is presented as unchangeable, absolute truth beyond questioning. There are far better ways today to understand God and Jesus and the role of prayer - and the identity of the Church. We live in a graced time when we are challenged to articulate our belief in "God" and Jesus as revealer of the divine in harmony with what we know about our universe today

Saturday ~ October 20th ~ 10:00AM-4:00PM

Suggested donation ~  $40

At The Spirit of Life Community

The Congregational Church of Weston/UCC

130 Newton St., Weston, MA 02493