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Bethany Hill School 18th Anniversary Soring Gala
Thursday, May 03, 2012, 06:30pm - 08:30pm

Thursday May 3rd 6:30-8:30PM

Bethany Hill School  18th Anniversary Spring Gala, "There's No Place Like Home"! 

Ron and Jean have been named honorary co-chairs of the Sisters of St. Joseph fundraiser for Bethany Hill School in Framingham. 

This is a charity dear to our hearts as our daughter, Heidi, resided at the school for several years, and the
program offered her kind and compassionate support at a time when she was very vulnerable.  Hence, our "yes" to supporting this fundraising event.  We also felt that the invitation to us as co-pastors of The Spirit of Life Community, by the Sisters of St. Joseph, was a special honor and a valued recognition of The Spirit of Life. 

We want to invite you to share in this event if your resources and circumstances allow.   We also would appreciate your prayers for the women and men who work with the program and for those who reside at Bethany Hill.  Many of you have received invitations, and we're most grateful for your generous support of this event.  If you haven't received an invite, but would like to, please let us know!  

In either case, we invite you to learn a bit about this charity which has brought healing and hope to so many and encourage you to visit their website:  www.bethanyhillschool.org

Tickets to the event are $125 and are available through the website, or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A donation of any amount would be deeply appreciated.