Dear Friends,

The Spirituality of De-cluttering is the topic of our Spiritual Discussion Group this Sunday (Feb. 16) after liturgy. Rev. Vera O’Brien, staff chaplain at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Affiliated Community Minister at Arlington Street Church, Unitarian Universalist, will facilitate our discussion. Here are some

thoughts from Vera as you anticipate tomorrow’s discussion; “Is your ‘stuff’ weighing you down? We'll prepare to Spring Clean our Spirits by forgiving ourselves for our mistakes and imperfections, letting go of the reminders of our mistakes, and freeing up energy for new passions. We'll look at practical ways to bless others by sharing our excess stuff.   See how Vera did on her 2013 in 2013 and 365 in 365 challenges. All are welcome, where ever you find yourself on your decluttering journey!”

One of the fruits of the ‘spirituality of decluttering’ is that we create more space for our own spirit to fly free, for God to get our attention with the invitation to come and rest, for opening up to others. How exciting is that!!! Edwina Gateley develops this theme in her poem “The Retreat” which we will use in our Eucharist this Sunday.

I came from

the clamoring voices,

the noise, the speed,

the action.

I came from

the city’s heat

the crowds, the traffic

the fraction.

I came to

the deep, deep snow

and the watching trees

so still.

I came to

the vast domed sky,

the lonely

empty hill.

I came to a moist

and generous place

to feed my soul awhile.

to be hugged

by God’s great bosom

and sleep,


beneath her smile.

As a community, members and guests of The Spirit of Life, find support and hope in the journey to deepen our spiritual lives. Our liturgies are not “cluttered’ with non-inclusive language and messages that discount the dignity of all people. Rather, we are radically simple in following the “good news” of Jesus Christ... “uncluttered” by messages caught in the moral timewarp so present in more traditional Catholic liturgies. At the Spirit of life... the call of women to ordained priesthood is affirmed...the sacredness of all loving relationships is honored and celebrated. as Jesus did, we welcome ALL to the Table!   If you are seeking a Catholic community where you do not need to mentally/silently “insert” inclusive language into your prayer at Mass, or lament that your children are hearing non-inclusive messages about people whose sexual orientation is other than heterosexual, or feel that your “voice” is not heard.....we invite you to come and experience life in our community. We are an inclusive and interactive community, where everyone has a “voice.”  We are truly a people of “justice & Joy.”

On this Valentine’s Day weekend, we wish you love in your heart and in your life. We hope that in the midst of yet another snow storm, you will all be safe, And, we suggest, that as an act of love, you might considering ‘uncluttering’ a closet or cabinet and donating what you do not ‘need’ to those who are much in need. 

Loving blessings,

Jean & Ron